Truck Full of Militants Hit by ATGM in Yemen

A truck full of unknown militants is struck by an anti-tank guided missile system, and the survivors are then slammed with machine gun and sniper fire.

It's unclear who the target of this attack was. When found, the footage was stated as the target being a truck-load of Houthi Rebels. This fact falls through however when the people firing the ATGM start chanting typical Houthi mottos like "Death to the Jews," and "Death to America."

The only thing we know for sure is that this video was filmed in Yemen. That means that the ATGM effect we saw throughout the Syrian Civil War has started to fully roll over into the surrounding conflicts as well.

Published 3 years ago

A truck full of unknown militants is struck by an anti-tank guided missile system, and the survivors are then slammed with machine gun and sniper fire.

It's unclear who the target of this attack was. When found, the footage was stated as the target being a truck-load of Houthi Rebels. This fact falls through however when the people firing the ATGM start chanting typical Houthi mottos like "Death to the Jews," and "Death to America."

The only thing we know for sure is that this video was filmed in Yemen. That means that the ATGM effect we saw throughout the Syrian Civil War has started to fully roll over into the surrounding conflicts as well.

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