TikTok Battalion Participates in Harrowing Gunfight with Traffic Lights

Elite members of the Chechen TikTok Battalion participate in a brutal campaign inside of the city of Mariupol. Their primary enemy combatant appears to be a series of traffic lights less than 100 yards away.

I don't know exactly what these guys were expecting. They know we exist. They know Funker530 is a thing. They know we absolutely neutered the Islamic State's propaganda arm by tearing apart the stupid stuff they kept publishing on camera, but these guys just keep feeding us ammo. First, we capture them faking firefights with empty buildings. Then, they "escort" an elderly woman to a bombed out apartment building. Later that same day, we capture them on video taking a goat off behind a building to do who knows what. Now, we've got them red handed failing to shoot a traffic light at less than 100 yards.

Guys, pack it up. Go home. No one is buying the garbage. You guys aren't participating in any fighting. You're there filming TikTok videos in a very real warzone and accomplishing nothing. At least the Islamic State participated in ground combat operations before they released their nasheed filled trash, you guys are just setting yourself up for failure.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Elite members of the Chechen TikTok Battalion participate in a brutal campaign inside of the city of Mariupol. Their primary enemy combatant appears to be a series of traffic lights less than 100 yards away.

I don't know exactly what these guys were expecting. They know we exist. They know Funker530 is a thing. They know we absolutely neutered the Islamic State's propaganda arm by tearing apart the stupid stuff they kept publishing on camera, but these guys just keep feeding us ammo. First, we capture them faking firefights with empty buildings. Then, they "escort" an elderly woman to a bombed out apartment building. Later that same day, we capture them on video taking a goat off behind a building to do who knows what. Now, we've got them red handed failing to shoot a traffic light at less than 100 yards.

Guys, pack it up. Go home. No one is buying the garbage. You guys aren't participating in any fighting. You're there filming TikTok videos in a very real warzone and accomplishing nothing. At least the Islamic State participated in ground combat operations before they released their nasheed filled trash, you guys are just setting yourself up for failure.

josh brooks

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