Syria is Actually in the Mad Max Universe

Members of the Free Syrian Army affix a medium machine gun to the back of a dirt bike, then use it as a mobile gunnery platform to target Regime forces inside of Idlib.

Since the start of the Syrian Civil War, we have seen a lot of improvisation happen. Specifically, members of the Free Syrian Army have proven time and time again that they are not only willing to adapt and improvise weapon systems, but they are actually incredibly skilled at it. In this video, what you're seeing is a couple of Free Syrian Army fighters attaching a medium machine gun to the back of a dirt bike. They then use it as a mobile gunnery platform that allows them to maneuver around the battlespace and take shots at SAA positions in a very expeditious manner.

In the past, we've seen the FSA improvise some of the most insane weapon systems. Some of these improvisations are completely mundane, like using a handmade trebuchet to lob barrel bombs at SAA positions. Some of them are absolutely terrifying, like the Hell Cannon system which is absolutely devastating. Other times, we get videos out of there like this, which literally makes it look like the FSA just watched Road Warrior and decided that it was a path forward for their warfighting doctrine.

All of these improvised weapon systems have solidified one thing in my mind. The Syrian Civil War canonically takes place inside of the earliest portion of the Mad Max universe, and we're all heading for it at full speed. You can't change my mind.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

Members of the Free Syrian Army affix a medium machine gun to the back of a dirt bike, then use it as a mobile gunnery platform to target Regime forces inside of Idlib.

Since the start of the Syrian Civil War, we have seen a lot of improvisation happen. Specifically, members of the Free Syrian Army have proven time and time again that they are not only willing to adapt and improvise weapon systems, but they are actually incredibly skilled at it. In this video, what you're seeing is a couple of Free Syrian Army fighters attaching a medium machine gun to the back of a dirt bike. They then use it as a mobile gunnery platform that allows them to maneuver around the battlespace and take shots at SAA positions in a very expeditious manner.

In the past, we've seen the FSA improvise some of the most insane weapon systems. Some of these improvisations are completely mundane, like using a handmade trebuchet to lob barrel bombs at SAA positions. Some of them are absolutely terrifying, like the Hell Cannon system which is absolutely devastating. Other times, we get videos out of there like this, which literally makes it look like the FSA just watched Road Warrior and decided that it was a path forward for their warfighting doctrine.

All of these improvised weapon systems have solidified one thing in my mind. The Syrian Civil War canonically takes place inside of the earliest portion of the Mad Max universe, and we're all heading for it at full speed. You can't change my mind.

josh brooks

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