Store Owner Shoots Woman Thief After Being Wounded Himself (NSFW)

A shootout occurred at the Diamond Star Jewelry store, in Phoenix Arizona after a woman shot and wounded the store owner after he refused to comply with suspect.

The suspect, Terria Genest entered the the Diamond Star Jewelry store pretending to be a customer, interested in purchasing some jewelry. As she scoped out the store, Genest pre-meditated her plan to rob the jewelry store later that evening. Genest, without purchasing anything then left the store.

What seemed to be an ordinary day for store owner Mikhail Ibragimov, took a turn for the worst. At around 2:40 p.m., Genest re-entered the Diamond Star Jewelry store, but this time in a different outfit and armed a firearm. With her now pre-meditated plan, Genest entered the store demanding Mikhail to hand over all the cash from the register.

Mikhail refused the request multiple times, as he stood his ground against Genest. Moments later, Genest fired a round into Mikhail's leg. Now severely wounded, Mikhail throws the money over the counter to Genest. With the money scattered all over the counter and floor, Genest begins stumbling around trying to scavenge as much as she can before leaving.

Taking advantage of the cluelessness of Genest, Mikhail retrieves his firearm from his waistband and begins firing multiple shots, striking Genest in the back. With multiple gunshot wounds, Genest miraculously stumbles out from the shop, in an attempt to make an escape. When police responded to the scene, Genest had only made it a short distance down the sidewalk, where she was later found collapsed.

Despite the gunshot wounds, both individuals survived this shootout. As for Genest, she was sentenced to a 10-year federal prison sentence for aggravated assault.

Published 3 years ago

A shootout occurred at the Diamond Star Jewelry store, in Phoenix Arizona after a woman shot and wounded the store owner after he refused to comply with suspect.

The suspect, Terria Genest entered the the Diamond Star Jewelry store pretending to be a customer, interested in purchasing some jewelry. As she scoped out the store, Genest pre-meditated her plan to rob the jewelry store later that evening. Genest, without purchasing anything then left the store.

What seemed to be an ordinary day for store owner Mikhail Ibragimov, took a turn for the worst. At around 2:40 p.m., Genest re-entered the Diamond Star Jewelry store, but this time in a different outfit and armed a firearm. With her now pre-meditated plan, Genest entered the store demanding Mikhail to hand over all the cash from the register.

Mikhail refused the request multiple times, as he stood his ground against Genest. Moments later, Genest fired a round into Mikhail's leg. Now severely wounded, Mikhail throws the money over the counter to Genest. With the money scattered all over the counter and floor, Genest begins stumbling around trying to scavenge as much as she can before leaving.

Taking advantage of the cluelessness of Genest, Mikhail retrieves his firearm from his waistband and begins firing multiple shots, striking Genest in the back. With multiple gunshot wounds, Genest miraculously stumbles out from the shop, in an attempt to make an escape. When police responded to the scene, Genest had only made it a short distance down the sidewalk, where she was later found collapsed.

Despite the gunshot wounds, both individuals survived this shootout. As for Genest, she was sentenced to a 10-year federal prison sentence for aggravated assault.

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