Insurgent Mortarman Taken Out By US Airstrike

A video from the Global War on Terror's Operation Iraqi Freedom timeframe shows an insurgent mortar team being neutralized by a US airstrike.

In true terrorist fashion, the insurgents pick a busy marketplace to launch their munitions. They do this in hopes that if the Western forces do strike back, it will cause civilian casualties. The civilian casualties will inflict more damage to the US presence than the mortar rounds ever will... but to clarify that further... They are intentionally trying to get their own people killed in order to make the US look bad.

The insurgent mortarman uses camp netting in an attempt to conceal the cannon. He has a van parked nearby where his readily accessible rounds are stored. There is no sight on the tube and therefore, no point of reference from which to aim the system. He doesn't correct deflection or elevation after his shots. He is literally just launching high explosive rounds in a general direction, and they will most likely fall in another civilian populated area. This insurgent got what he had coming to him.

Published 3 years ago

A video from the Global War on Terror's Operation Iraqi Freedom timeframe shows an insurgent mortar team being neutralized by a US airstrike.

In true terrorist fashion, the insurgents pick a busy marketplace to launch their munitions. They do this in hopes that if the Western forces do strike back, it will cause civilian casualties. The civilian casualties will inflict more damage to the US presence than the mortar rounds ever will... but to clarify that further... They are intentionally trying to get their own people killed in order to make the US look bad.

The insurgent mortarman uses camp netting in an attempt to conceal the cannon. He has a van parked nearby where his readily accessible rounds are stored. There is no sight on the tube and therefore, no point of reference from which to aim the system. He doesn't correct deflection or elevation after his shots. He is literally just launching high explosive rounds in a general direction, and they will most likely fall in another civilian populated area. This insurgent got what he had coming to him.

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