New Angle: Woman On Meth Slips Cuffs And Shoots Bystander

A new video angle has emerged from the Aug. 12, 2022 incident in which a detained suspect, who was high on meth, slipped her cuffs while inside a police cruiser, gained access to the officer's improperly stored patrol carbine and opened fire, hitting a bystander.

To see the body-worn police camera footage click HERE.

From the original article: Deputies were called to the scene of an erratic woman near County Street 2960 and Quail Haven Road. Shortly after arriving to the scene, it became apparent that the suspect, Rachel Clay, was under the influence of methamphetamine. Deputies quickly detained the woman for her own safety and placed her in the back of a patrol cruiser so they could begin taking statements from individuals on the property.

During the fifteen minutes that Clay was unattended in the back of the police cruiser, she managed to slip out of her handcuffs and get her hands on one of the officer's patrol rifles. According to deputies, she had the weapon in her hands for almost fifteen minutes before she figured out how it worked. Once she figured the weapon system out, she opened fire on the Deputies, injuring the civilian and one deputy immediately and firing a total of ten rounds.

Following the footage above, an hours long stand-off occurred with Clay. Eventually, she surrendered and was re-arrested. She is currently facing three counts of shooting with intent to kill. During her first court appearance she requested a psych evaluation, and is currently being held on $1 million dollars bail.

will killmore

Published 2 years ago

A new video angle has emerged from the Aug. 12, 2022 incident in which a detained suspect, who was high on meth, slipped her cuffs while inside a police cruiser, gained access to the officer's improperly stored patrol carbine and opened fire, hitting a bystander.

To see the body-worn police camera footage click HERE.

From the original article: Deputies were called to the scene of an erratic woman near County Street 2960 and Quail Haven Road. Shortly after arriving to the scene, it became apparent that the suspect, Rachel Clay, was under the influence of methamphetamine. Deputies quickly detained the woman for her own safety and placed her in the back of a patrol cruiser so they could begin taking statements from individuals on the property.

During the fifteen minutes that Clay was unattended in the back of the police cruiser, she managed to slip out of her handcuffs and get her hands on one of the officer's patrol rifles. According to deputies, she had the weapon in her hands for almost fifteen minutes before she figured out how it worked. Once she figured the weapon system out, she opened fire on the Deputies, injuring the civilian and one deputy immediately and firing a total of ten rounds.

Following the footage above, an hours long stand-off occurred with Clay. Eventually, she surrendered and was re-arrested. She is currently facing three counts of shooting with intent to kill. During her first court appearance she requested a psych evaluation, and is currently being held on $1 million dollars bail.

will killmore

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