National Resistance Front Repels Yet Another Taliban Assault

Recently recorded video of a firefight in the Panjshir Valley shows yet another failed attempt by the Taliban to push the National Resistance Front out of position. The Taliban are entirely unprepared to fight this conflict.

We understand that some of the footage coming out of Afghanistan recently hasn't been extremely high quality. We'll be sure to airdrop GoPros and iPhone 13s to the NRF and AFF as soon as we get access to the funding to do so.

For those of you who aren't going to complain about the camera angles, this footage was recorded by a member of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan in the Panjshir Valley. It shows members of the NRF utilizing small arms fire to repel another Taliban assault. According to the NRF, they suffered no serious casualties in the attack and successfully fought the Taliban back. Losses by the Taliban from this engagement are currently unknown.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Recently recorded video of a firefight in the Panjshir Valley shows yet another failed attempt by the Taliban to push the National Resistance Front out of position. The Taliban are entirely unprepared to fight this conflict.

We understand that some of the footage coming out of Afghanistan recently hasn't been extremely high quality. We'll be sure to airdrop GoPros and iPhone 13s to the NRF and AFF as soon as we get access to the funding to do so.

For those of you who aren't going to complain about the camera angles, this footage was recorded by a member of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan in the Panjshir Valley. It shows members of the NRF utilizing small arms fire to repel another Taliban assault. According to the NRF, they suffered no serious casualties in the attack and successfully fought the Taliban back. Losses by the Taliban from this engagement are currently unknown.

josh brooks

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