Marines Police Call HKIA Before General Does Change of Command with Taliban

Video leaked by what is most likely a Marine Lance Corporal shows seven seconds of United States Marines conducting a thorough cleaning of Hamid Karzai International Airport just hours before they leave.

You know, duffelblog thought they were meme-ing when they put out that image of a Sergeant Major with the flavor text "We're not leaving until every piece of brass in Afghanistan is picked up." I also find it oddly humorous, because we always used to crack jokes that the chain of command would never let us leave Iraq or Afghanistan without picking up every single piece of trash. Now, in the last moments of the failed evacuation from Afghanistan, what we're getting is actual video of Marines in full kit picking up pieces of garbage while they wait for the last flight out of the country.

I honestly never thought I would write this sentence. It's definitely a brand new sentence, and not one that should be written by anyone ever. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue had Marines police calling Hamid Karzai International Airport so he could conduct a change of command with the Taliban in a professional and military manner. Then, moments before the last plane out of Afghanistan took off, he actually posed for a photo of him being the last man out of the country just so he could say that he was. I'm sure it's going to look great on the Silver Star he's been writing himself for the past week in between rounds of begging 2 Para's commander to stop going outside the wire to get British Citizens to safety because it makes him look bad.

This whole evacuation is and was a bad joke played on the American people by a political institution filled with aging geriatrics who can't drive themselves to the office, and generals who want nothing more than to get themselves a book deal and government contracting job at the Pentagon. What a scam.

To the Lance Corporals picking up trash so that the Taliban can have a clean Hamid Karzai International Airport, thank you for what you did. You saved lives, and you made an impact. You did it regardless of how piss poor your leadership was, and at the end of the day, you did what every Lance Corporal in history has had to do. You scooped up 10-pounds of shit and put it into a one pound bag, letting the other nine pounds bounce off your leg while your commanders made themselves look like idiots. Strong work boys. Thank you for what you've done.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

Video leaked by what is most likely a Marine Lance Corporal shows seven seconds of United States Marines conducting a thorough cleaning of Hamid Karzai International Airport just hours before they leave.

You know, duffelblog thought they were meme-ing when they put out that image of a Sergeant Major with the flavor text "We're not leaving until every piece of brass in Afghanistan is picked up." I also find it oddly humorous, because we always used to crack jokes that the chain of command would never let us leave Iraq or Afghanistan without picking up every single piece of trash. Now, in the last moments of the failed evacuation from Afghanistan, what we're getting is actual video of Marines in full kit picking up pieces of garbage while they wait for the last flight out of the country.

I honestly never thought I would write this sentence. It's definitely a brand new sentence, and not one that should be written by anyone ever. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue had Marines police calling Hamid Karzai International Airport so he could conduct a change of command with the Taliban in a professional and military manner. Then, moments before the last plane out of Afghanistan took off, he actually posed for a photo of him being the last man out of the country just so he could say that he was. I'm sure it's going to look great on the Silver Star he's been writing himself for the past week in between rounds of begging 2 Para's commander to stop going outside the wire to get British Citizens to safety because it makes him look bad.

This whole evacuation is and was a bad joke played on the American people by a political institution filled with aging geriatrics who can't drive themselves to the office, and generals who want nothing more than to get themselves a book deal and government contracting job at the Pentagon. What a scam.

To the Lance Corporals picking up trash so that the Taliban can have a clean Hamid Karzai International Airport, thank you for what you did. You saved lives, and you made an impact. You did it regardless of how piss poor your leadership was, and at the end of the day, you did what every Lance Corporal in history has had to do. You scooped up 10-pounds of shit and put it into a one pound bag, letting the other nine pounds bounce off your leg while your commanders made themselves look like idiots. Strong work boys. Thank you for what you've done.

josh brooks

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