Insane Ukrainians Fire SPG-9 Inside of a Building

Insane Ukrainian Soldiers operating an SPG-9 from inside of a building learn that overpressure and concussion can cause a lot of damage to a building.

I could have told you that this was video of a Ukrainian SPG-9 being hit by a tank shell, and you probably wouldn't have noticed the difference since you don't speak Ukrainian. The funny thing is though, right after the dust starts to settle the gunner can be heard yelling "заряжай" which is the equivalent of him saying "load the next round."

These guys are absolutely insane, and I sincerely hope that they are able to get TBI treatment later down the road after this war ends.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Insane Ukrainian Soldiers operating an SPG-9 from inside of a building learn that overpressure and concussion can cause a lot of damage to a building.

I could have told you that this was video of a Ukrainian SPG-9 being hit by a tank shell, and you probably wouldn't have noticed the difference since you don't speak Ukrainian. The funny thing is though, right after the dust starts to settle the gunner can be heard yelling "заряжай" which is the equivalent of him saying "load the next round."

These guys are absolutely insane, and I sincerely hope that they are able to get TBI treatment later down the road after this war ends.

josh brooks

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