Idiot Accidentally Shoots Buddy At Gun Store Counter

CCTV footage from a gun store security camera shows what happens when incompetent morons ignore the basic rules of firearm safety.

The video begins as multiple people are checking out weapons at a gun store counter. Two men in the lower left of the frame can be seen inspecting a pistol. One of the men can be seen monkeying with the slide of the gun, but fails in racking it.

Against common etiquette, he then pulls out his own loaded CCW from his pants, a gun store faux pas. He drops the magazine and extracts the round from the chamber. So far all is well. There is an edited transition in the video where the man likely attempted to reload the weapon and place it back in his pants. Suddenly it goes off while pointed at his buddy's lower half.

Store patrons, startled by the blast, disperse from the armed idiot. The footage then transitions to a scene where gun store employees and bystanders are rendering medical aid to the wounded man.

This situation could have never happened if the four rules of firearm safety were observed: 1. Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction. 2. Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded. 3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot. 4. Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It.

About the Author

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Will Killmore

Will Killmore is a US Army combat infantry veteran and Purple Heart recipient. He has deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan with the 172nd Stryker Brigade and 173rd Airborne Brigade. Following his time in service, he successfully pursued a certificate of journalism and has been a blogger for Funker530 since 2014. Follow Will’s bad takes on Twitter

Published 10 months ago

CCTV footage from a gun store security camera shows what happens when incompetent morons ignore the basic rules of firearm safety.

The video begins as multiple people are checking out weapons at a gun store counter. Two men in the lower left of the frame can be seen inspecting a pistol. One of the men can be seen monkeying with the slide of the gun, but fails in racking it.

Against common etiquette, he then pulls out his own loaded CCW from his pants, a gun store faux pas. He drops the magazine and extracts the round from the chamber. So far all is well. There is an edited transition in the video where the man likely attempted to reload the weapon and place it back in his pants. Suddenly it goes off while pointed at his buddy's lower half.

Store patrons, startled by the blast, disperse from the armed idiot. The footage then transitions to a scene where gun store employees and bystanders are rendering medical aid to the wounded man.

This situation could have never happened if the four rules of firearm safety were observed: 1. Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction. 2. Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded. 3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot. 4. Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It.

About the Author

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Will Killmore

Will Killmore is a US Army combat infantry veteran and Purple Heart recipient. He has deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan with the 172nd Stryker Brigade and 173rd Airborne Brigade. Following his time in service, he successfully pursued a certificate of journalism and has been a blogger for Funker530 since 2014. Follow Will’s bad takes on Twitter

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