FLIR Footage From the Russian MOD Shows Russians Ambushing Syrians

According to the Russian MOD, this is footage of one of their special operations teams ambushing groups of Syrians while conducting ground combat operations in the region.

I'm going to preface this with the fact that combat footage like this does not normally find its way to the internet. So, that said, I am skeptical on the legitimacy of this tape. What it appears to show is members of a Russian Special Operations team getting up close and personal with opposition fighters during the Syrian Civil War. We cannot however independently verify the validity of the claims from the Russian MOD, and they are the same organization that tried to pass off video game footage from ARMA 3 as legitimate combat footage.

If real though, this is some incredible combat footage. We'll let you guys be the judge down in the comments section. Do you think this is real, or is this mostly fabricated?

Published 3 years ago

According to the Russian MOD, this is footage of one of their special operations teams ambushing groups of Syrians while conducting ground combat operations in the region.

I'm going to preface this with the fact that combat footage like this does not normally find its way to the internet. So, that said, I am skeptical on the legitimacy of this tape. What it appears to show is members of a Russian Special Operations team getting up close and personal with opposition fighters during the Syrian Civil War. We cannot however independently verify the validity of the claims from the Russian MOD, and they are the same organization that tried to pass off video game footage from ARMA 3 as legitimate combat footage.

If real though, this is some incredible combat footage. We'll let you guys be the judge down in the comments section. Do you think this is real, or is this mostly fabricated?

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