Fact Check: Russian Missiles Knock Out Power In Lviv

New footage has been circulating the internet today without a clear understanding of exactly where this large-scale missile attack occurred. Some are saying Lviv, others arguing Odessa.

Well, in a brief article posted on crisis24, I can say with 99% percent certainty this was in fact an attack on Lviv on May 3rd, 2022. Information confirmed from additional sources have also stated at least four Russian cruise missiles struck three electrical substations throughout the city, leaving a vast majority of the city with no power and a limited water supply.

At the time of this writing, no official casualty reports have been disclosed to the public.

austin marino

Published 2 years ago

New footage has been circulating the internet today without a clear understanding of exactly where this large-scale missile attack occurred. Some are saying Lviv, others arguing Odessa.

Well, in a brief article posted on crisis24, I can say with 99% percent certainty this was in fact an attack on Lviv on May 3rd, 2022. Information confirmed from additional sources have also stated at least four Russian cruise missiles struck three electrical substations throughout the city, leaving a vast majority of the city with no power and a limited water supply.

At the time of this writing, no official casualty reports have been disclosed to the public.

austin marino

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