British Paras' Scathing Details Of Botched US Evacuation In Kabul

We have received disturbing information from British "Paras" of the UK's 16 Air Assault Brigade regarding their experiences and perceptions on the ground in Kabul during the US-led effort to evacuate Western forces and allies.

The reports claim that British troops are not being given any information by the US officers, to include the UK's top officer in the operation, Vice Admiral Ben Key, who was reportedly blocked from any and all CENTCOM negotiations with Taliban. Reportedly, heated arguments between high-ranking US and UK officers have taken place in front of their troops.

It has been reported to us that the Paras have made multiple incursions into Kabul to extract stranded Brits, Afghan staffers, and foreign nationals. The Paras have repeatedly been challenged by Taliban checkpoints, and in at least one instance, the Paras had to fire their weapons in self defense.

Additionally, one of our sources reported that 82nd Airborne soldiers and NCOs have expressed their willingness to join the Paras on their extraction runs, but the 82nd officers are forbidding it. The lack of communication from US forces is significantly raising tensions among the British troops and negatively impacting interoperability between the two nations' militaries.

The lack of communication is also reportedly negatively affecting the evacuation process for military aircraft other than that of the US. Australian, German, and British planes are departing with flights well under capacity, and in some instances empty, because of the "information vacuum" in which they are trying to operate.

Possibly the most startling piece of information we received is that the Paras have been instructed to keep a close eye on the Americans, because it is feared they will rapidly exfiltrate their military forces from Kabul without giving advanced warning to the allied nation forces.

will killmore

Published 3 years ago

We have received disturbing information from British "Paras" of the UK's 16 Air Assault Brigade regarding their experiences and perceptions on the ground in Kabul during the US-led effort to evacuate Western forces and allies.

The reports claim that British troops are not being given any information by the US officers, to include the UK's top officer in the operation, Vice Admiral Ben Key, who was reportedly blocked from any and all CENTCOM negotiations with Taliban. Reportedly, heated arguments between high-ranking US and UK officers have taken place in front of their troops.

It has been reported to us that the Paras have made multiple incursions into Kabul to extract stranded Brits, Afghan staffers, and foreign nationals. The Paras have repeatedly been challenged by Taliban checkpoints, and in at least one instance, the Paras had to fire their weapons in self defense.

Additionally, one of our sources reported that 82nd Airborne soldiers and NCOs have expressed their willingness to join the Paras on their extraction runs, but the 82nd officers are forbidding it. The lack of communication from US forces is significantly raising tensions among the British troops and negatively impacting interoperability between the two nations' militaries.

The lack of communication is also reportedly negatively affecting the evacuation process for military aircraft other than that of the US. Australian, German, and British planes are departing with flights well under capacity, and in some instances empty, because of the "information vacuum" in which they are trying to operate.

Possibly the most startling piece of information we received is that the Paras have been instructed to keep a close eye on the Americans, because it is feared they will rapidly exfiltrate their military forces from Kabul without giving advanced warning to the allied nation forces.

will killmore

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