Biden Addresses Afghan Debacle, Defeated By Teleprompter And Taliban In Same Day

Just last month President Biden was condescendingly telling the American public that the Taliban posed no threat to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and no comparisons to the 1975 fall of Saigon could be made. Over the past 48 hours, we have watched an almost exact repeat of that historical event as the Afghan government collapsed and desperate civilians fell to their deaths trying to stowaway aboard US aircraft. This man just single-handedly proved that through his eight years as Vice President during this war, and now actual President, he has never had the slightest clue of what was happening in Afghanistan.

Coincidentally, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has checked herself "out of the office" as Afghanistan crumbles, and the American people had to wait for President Biden to begrudgingly address the nation with a series of deflections away from any kind of accountability for the crisis that is unfolding.

As for Biden's speech, it was torture to watch as the beady-eyed oxygen thief struggles to read the teleprompter. He is painfully fighting to sound-out words that somebody else wrote about a policy of which he is oblivious. At one point he reads (with feigned conviction), "This is what I believe..." and then squints longingly for the next line to appear on the teleprompter as all of us; you, me, and Joe Biden learn at the same time what he believes. What a sham.

Aside from the constant deflections of accountability by a poorly-functioning automaton, the speech was fairly accurate in its description of the dumpster fire that was the two-decade war in Afghanistan. However, it would have been a lot easier to swallow if it was coming from anyone other than Joe Biden, the man who was Vice President for eight years of this war.

Deflections included a withdrawal plan he "inherited" from Trump, although he didn't make it clear as to why Trump didn't inherent a withdrawal plan from the Obama administration. He also repeatedly points out that he is the fourth president of both major parties to preside over this war, so the blame isn't his entirely.

Also note his repeated use of the term "civil war," a phrase that has rarely been used in the context of the Afghan War as it would have previously legitimized the Taliban, but is now being used to pin responsibility on the now-collapsed Afghan government, and present the US as a foreign entity that shouldn't be sticking our nose into someone else's beef (20 years later).

Another interesting tidbit hidden in this damage control dumpster fire is Biden's mention of "over-the-horizon-capabilities," meaning military operations i.e. airstrikes or SOF raids into Afghanistan as an ever-present option should the need arise.

Apparently Biden, the man who dodged the draft five times during the Vietnam War, totally understands how us Afghan War vets and the families of the fallen are affected by the rapid destruction of everything we worked for.

"This is deeply personal for me as well...." Biden pauses as he strains his vacant eyes for the next line of the script to tell him why.

will killmore

Published 3 years ago

Just last month President Biden was condescendingly telling the American public that the Taliban posed no threat to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and no comparisons to the 1975 fall of Saigon could be made. Over the past 48 hours, we have watched an almost exact repeat of that historical event as the Afghan government collapsed and desperate civilians fell to their deaths trying to stowaway aboard US aircraft. This man just single-handedly proved that through his eight years as Vice President during this war, and now actual President, he has never had the slightest clue of what was happening in Afghanistan.

Coincidentally, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has checked herself "out of the office" as Afghanistan crumbles, and the American people had to wait for President Biden to begrudgingly address the nation with a series of deflections away from any kind of accountability for the crisis that is unfolding.

As for Biden's speech, it was torture to watch as the beady-eyed oxygen thief struggles to read the teleprompter. He is painfully fighting to sound-out words that somebody else wrote about a policy of which he is oblivious. At one point he reads (with feigned conviction), "This is what I believe..." and then squints longingly for the next line to appear on the teleprompter as all of us; you, me, and Joe Biden learn at the same time what he believes. What a sham.

Aside from the constant deflections of accountability by a poorly-functioning automaton, the speech was fairly accurate in its description of the dumpster fire that was the two-decade war in Afghanistan. However, it would have been a lot easier to swallow if it was coming from anyone other than Joe Biden, the man who was Vice President for eight years of this war.

Deflections included a withdrawal plan he "inherited" from Trump, although he didn't make it clear as to why Trump didn't inherent a withdrawal plan from the Obama administration. He also repeatedly points out that he is the fourth president of both major parties to preside over this war, so the blame isn't his entirely.

Also note his repeated use of the term "civil war," a phrase that has rarely been used in the context of the Afghan War as it would have previously legitimized the Taliban, but is now being used to pin responsibility on the now-collapsed Afghan government, and present the US as a foreign entity that shouldn't be sticking our nose into someone else's beef (20 years later).

Another interesting tidbit hidden in this damage control dumpster fire is Biden's mention of "over-the-horizon-capabilities," meaning military operations i.e. airstrikes or SOF raids into Afghanistan as an ever-present option should the need arise.

Apparently Biden, the man who dodged the draft five times during the Vietnam War, totally understands how us Afghan War vets and the families of the fallen are affected by the rapid destruction of everything we worked for.

"This is deeply personal for me as well...." Biden pauses as he strains his vacant eyes for the next line of the script to tell him why.

will killmore

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